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Everything posted by Catteeclan

  1. You mean he beat you to it.
  2. Can I say, the less shit the car has is less shit to go wrong.
  3. It's weight does matter as I've aged but it was more of what I could getup of a tankful that influenced my purchase. As for big bikes, once again age has mellowed me so grunt of overtaking something far outweighs out and out power so a larger capacity bike would still be attractive to me.
  4. I was away walking the Dorset coast path with a nutty mate. Said mate pissed me off so I made my way home early. Walked in the house and the first thing Mandi said was "Diana's dead". Not, what are you doing home, want some food or even hello.
  5. You're right Yen but it most of the older bikes. They seem to prefer a separate one now.
  6. Bit difficult to make out what's what there.
  7. I guessing that won't be upright much longer with the foundation damage.
  8. Reminded me of a time, more than once thinking about it, me and Mandi stopped to fill up, buy some rolls, butter and some ham and make our own butties. Last time was Spain I think.
  9. Had a very similar one. Friends bike, girl on the back and me with no helmet. Fly went into my eye. Got the bike to the side of the road somehow. Shit it hurt and I got the dead fly out in several bits. Eye took a while to recover too.
  10. Generally, if you have a reflector on the rear it’ll get a pass. Testers around here agree it will reflect anywhere on the rear of the bike.
  11. Sitting here, half pissed and it’s doing things to my eyes
  12. Enjoy. Hope you have more luck with food than we did. Seemed to pick days where no one wanted to cook.
  13. I might well nip back and collect mine and Mandis bikes as we're only a hour away from home.
  14. Not your thumbs got weaker as we get older then. Must confess to doing that myself but I use 2 thumbs together, check properly every other time.
  15. Sat at the Mac drinking coffee, thinking about loading the car.
  16. Elveden near Thetford. It's my middle childs birthday on the 14th and thought it would be a good idea to holiday together. Which is fine till I learned the destination. I can see I'll be doing lots of walking while they indulge the pool etc.
  17. We moved from Virgins 100 to 200mps a little while ago. !00 was fine but she was offered a "good deal". Now there are times that speed shows when loading an ad littered page but must admit to having to wait more since changing. I can speed test at times and get the above results, other times it will hang around the 50mps then just up towards the end like it knows it's being tested.
  18. Something we've had to do a few times when we took a faster speed from Virgin. I've heard stories/rumours of suppliers being able to turn down the power of routers to make you need boosters around the house, and of course they have them for sale.
  19. Off to centre parks next week. Not my idea as it's expensive and run down from what I'm told, bloody kids. So this weekend we'll be planning what to take with us. We'll def be stopping off for alcohol.
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