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Everything posted by MooN

  1. I'm supposed to be going to the UK on the 21st. In theory, from the 11th feb we won't need to bother with testing before we go, or pre booking tests to be done on day 2 after arrival as we're all full dosed up with electromagnetic, microchip injections from big pharma. However, France is ( so far) not reciprocating, so in order to get BACK into France FROM the UK we would need a negative PCR test 24h before returning. That means that if one of us 5 test positive, we all have to isolate in the uk for at least 7 days. and then retest. ( covid antibodies can remain present in the system for up to one month). this would mean that my wife would likely loose her job, and N01 daughter would fail her 2nd year at Uni as she has an obligatory 2nd year placement the week we are due to arrive home. On top of that, we have nowhere to isolate, the cottage we rent being unavailable the following wek and my parents living in a 3 room flat. A week in a hotel ( if a hotel would accept us with a positive covid test) would cost between 700 and 1000€. As I havn't seen my parents or over 2 years now and Mum is dissapearing slowly into dementia, I will be going alone ( my work schedule can be hugely flexible at this time of year and all an extra week would cost me is a weeks paid holiday. Unless the rules change between now and the 20th. @boboneleg, cancel half the biscuits, I'll probably be on my own...
  2. nobody's posting cos there's sweet F.A. happening anywhere at the moment. weather in Europe is tripe and the US is under a million feet of snow.
  3. Hello, welcome in. feel free to feed the animals.
  4. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    I had offers from Lancaster and Hull, but that was the year that Thatcher did away with student grants and turned them into student loans. We had no money and I decided I didn't want to start my working life 20 or 30,000£ in debt after 3 or 4 years at Uni so I decide to simply go and do something I enjoyed.
  5. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    3 a-levels and an AS level mate, end of the upper sixth form I was 19 ( going on 12) in 1990
  6. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    not sure how the herd would appreciate that, but be good to meet up for a coffe or a beer or summat.
  7. MooN

    2 hours

    2 hours was about all I was going to get, by the time N0.1 daughter had emptied the fridge into a coldbox and dissapeared off out of it back to uni in Dijon, it was gone 3pm and the temps would drop off again with sunset so I just picked a 100 odd km loop that was already in my phone from a previous ride and just rode it the other way round. mostly smaller back roads and with the weather we've been having they were covered in a film of slime and mud from the fields that made it a little "interesting" in places. Add to that the number of "chasseurs" in the woods with their hi viz camouflage worrying the wildlife into inhabitual daytime action there were moments when I was more than pleased to have an effective ABS system to assist in avoiding a deer and numerous rabbits and hares who seemed intent on escaping the flourescent gun toting nutters by hitching a ride... The light was not strong and failing fast so little point in taking pics. the wildlife, having been politely refused permission to come aboard, didn't hang around long enough for me to get the camera out.
  8. excellent report Bob. good pics too. you're probably wise to not argue about the trail riding ban,
  9. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    we're going to be in witney ( in theory) 21st to 26th feb. you likely to be free at any time during that week ?
  10. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    well you asked for it
  11. temperature has hiked here, 8degC this morning "wooohoo!" but it's pissing with rain, obviously...
  12. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    Bob mate, I struggle to remember what I had for breakfast this morning and you expect me to remember a time and day 4 monts away... you're going to hafta remind me nearer the time on a saturday as well...
  13. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    can you blame me!?
  14. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    no worries Bob, whenever you like Mate, I'll put the coffee on.
  15. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    I ain't that young... or old, depending
  16. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    " Cabbage" cos he loked like a cabbage patch kid
  17. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    not even close mate.
  18. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    music teacher i think.
  19. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    That was my history teacher. something of a character.
  20. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    seeing as @bobonelegis the only one who's actually met me ( well @Catteeclan as well but very briefly in Norwich a looong time ago) the liklyhood of someone grtting this is slim. I could tell you, but then of course I'd have to kill you.
  21. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    er, no. this could go on for a while...
  22. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    my mrs says i'm the best looking one on there...
  23. MooN

    Spot The Cunt

    I just know I'm going to regret this
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