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Sir Fallsalot

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Everything posted by Sir Fallsalot

  1. Unless your visiting Pete
  2. As long as Its about splitting costs not arses it's all good
  3. I ate the chocolate and then opened the beer to wash it down i know what you mean together don't work
  4. I've been left unsupervised as the wife is in Bristol with the boy, their both going to a gig to see wasp i think, anyway enough about them look what i found stashed, i had to eat a packet of pink wafer biscuits before i spotted the chocolate the larger is to thin things out in the morning
  5. I'm doing a condition report on the electrical installation on three of their site compounds, up Dowlais top tomorrow its an easy gig
  6. This is a EU funded project, my brother works for a company building bridges like this and it is in south wales. You tell me how the Spanish got it because it beats the shit out of me they don't even have a base in the UK This is them https://www.fccco.com/
  7. Pity your boy couldn't have joined you to help build up the business and free up a bit of spare time for you while he was there. That's one thing i like about being employed at 16;30 every week day i can shut the door until the next day but i can still end up getting over involved in the company as i want to be working here for years to come so look after it as if it was my own. If i had money invested in it i don't think i'd ever have any spare time or sleep
  8. Yes but your not the internet and the internet is not watching you, or is it
  9. Would be good if it was i thought i'd mention it because your boy is moving there the company is from Madrid. Never mind not hearing a welsh accent in the canteen break time there wasn't an English word spoken looks like they brought their own team in as well.
  10. Well you want to tell your boss to fuck off he's a twat work on the wet days and ride on the dry ones i thought that was the freedom the self employed enjoy
  11. I was working in the site cabins for the widening of the A465 heads of the valleys road in Merthyr today @XTreme guess where the company building this is from
  12. How much have you had to drink that photo is upside down and is messing with my head Or is it side on
  13. Should have signed her up here she would have felt right at home
  14. It's just got a ferrite bead on it to stop unintentional electrical interference
  15. That came with it, its just a USB charging lead
  16. £20 in Halfords for the same case. i binned the foam straight away and the leads don't fit like they do in the image but they do fit
  17. God dam it woman every time you type i end up using google it's like reading one of Tym's posts except when i google words you use google knows the answer
  18. I got a nice case from Ali Express for mine not sure if yours will fit in it https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33007183895.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.205f53a7L4IRVd&algo_pvid=cb4df6d7-9c5e-4212-9029-3916403e30d9&algo_exp_id=cb4df6d7-9c5e-4212-9029-3916403e30d9-0&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000032135349149"}&pdp_npi=3%40dis!GBP!9.98!7.28!!!!!%40211bf4c516795219008142770d0705!12000032135349149!sea!UK!4462793200&curPageLogUid=u5PThRH6NQTQ
  19. So you've ruined it before you've used it by rapid charging it
  20. One of my favorite comics in infants school, the teacher would always give me a row for reading them as i would start uncontrollably giggling to myself when i should have been listening to her probably why i stopped reading back then
  21. Sir Fallsalot

    Spring Tide

    I was wondering what was going on when I got to site in Cardigan this morning you can see how high it was before we arrived by the debris left behind, the car park was totally submerged
  22. Surprising how much heat comes out the back i melted the scottoiler on my old Africa Twin and that was offset from the exhaust, the gasses were being deflected back off the number plate onto it and of course that fucking thing was unharmed but my scottoiler was toast
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