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Sir Fallsalot

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Everything posted by Sir Fallsalot

  1. Yes I can see the resemblance
  2. I want to know what you were doing to it for it to end up like that i have a cheap vice in work and haven't broke it yet, blatant abuse in my opinion
  3. Looks like the Autobots gang raped the 1250 and this is the abomination that got shat out
  4. I thought everyone had an auxiliary tank in their garage for testing things when the fuel tank is off. I have a small plastic one off my old strimmer (weed wacker)
  5. You don't need the pump to fire it up just rig up a tank higher than the carbs and connect after the pump. The pump is only needed because the fuel towards the bottom of the tank sits lower than the carbs so you wouldn't be able to use all the fuel in the tank without it. Its the same on my old Africa Twin, if the pump fails you just bypass it and keep the tank filled up to get you out of trouble.
  6. You sound like Pete he would sell a bike before the tyres wore out
  7. And when it was dirty he always made sure it had a good wash
  8. I've seen Bob take that bike places i was thinking twice about taking my XR
  9. I've had what i thought was a flat spot off idle for some time now on the XR, tried re-jetting but made no difference and it's put me off riding the bike as its a bit jerky to ride on the slow stuff could never remember it having this issue in the past. The flat spot seemed worse when going down hill with a closed throttle and it suddenly dawned on me what the problem might be, so Yesterday i decided to take a look at the carb, i have a spare carb for the bike off an earlier model so dug that out to compare and after inspecting that carb my thoughts on the issue seemed to make sense, so last night i fitted the spare carb and took it for a test ride, sure enough the problem has gone, so you want to know what i think it was well the original carb has an unknown mileage on it and the throttle slide or carb body is worn so when closing the throttle the vacuum created by the engine was pulling on the throttle slide which was making it stick closed so you had to twist the grip harder to break it free making it feel like a flat spot lovely and smooth again now just like i remember, Had to do some fine tuning with the jetting tonight the older carb runs larger jets than the carb off my bike and it feels a bit more responsive. Another test ride tomorrow night as its pissing down tonight.
  10. Check the seals are good this caused premature failing of one wheel bearing on my Africa Twin it was letting water in
  11. Great didn't want to know why he wasn't here just wanted to know he was still going
  12. I only use E5 petrol which has 5% Ethanol, the E10 has 10% Ethanol. I read somewhere the older version of E5 could contain up to 5% ethanol but but not all of it did but now it does have 5% which shows when the bike is left for a while. The bike will still run on the same fuel that was in the tank it doesn't go off as in your engine wont run on it,
  13. They are T rated 190kph the earlier E07 was 150kph
  14. Only since this new fuel came out
  15. No i haven't not sure if that will help or not the pilot jets are really small so doesn't take much for them to gum up, it doesn't happen on the XR or the dog and they have been left just as long on times
  16. The sun came out this afternoon so went around the block on the XR another bike i haven't started in a while gave up kicking it and bumped it down the hill, when i got back took out the AT stopped to take a photo next to this house the people that own it are horsey types they have a full size statue of a horse in their garden amongst other things. Better view from street view https://www.google.com/maps/@51.5725573,-3.3385536,3a,84.4y,91.29h,93.25t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sZAW1YbzndnLyYAVfbG1PQQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DZAW1YbzndnLyYAVfbG1PQQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D91.28803075301582%26pitch%3D-3.24613213755579%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu After riding the AT i decided to have a couple of hours on the X Trainer another bike that hasn't turned a wheel in months, had a good workout on that, some fuckers been cutting trees down on the road i got opened up this year and left the cuttings there. The locals are having a hard time of it there first the local quarry is expanding so their up in arms about that then i came along and got the road next to their houses opened after being closed for around 15 years and now someone has purchsed some of the woodland off to the side of the road and is cutting it down Won't be getting down there Last lane before home
  17. It's getting there, it's getting on my nerves having to strip the carbs off when i forget to start it for a few months but after riding it today it's forgiven again lol
  18. That's the E-07+ this is the E-09 but i think Pedro was talking about the E-07+
  19. Marcel messing about with his 950 reminded me i haven't started the old Africa Twin in a while, It fires up ok but at quarter throttle its popping and banging like a strip of fire crackers so carbs off again to clean the pilot jets ffs All back together again and running fine if there's a break in the weather i shall have a spin around the block
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