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Sir Fallsalot

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Everything posted by Sir Fallsalot

  1. Width of seat can make a difference as well my old CB1000 didn't have a high seat but it was wide and had me on tippy toes.
  2. Yes that's a fast scratching road and the cafe in the garage in crossgates is a popular place for bikers.
  3. If you have time and are still around the Bala area this is a cracking mountain pass can be a bit narrow in places https://www.google.com/maps/@52.7917622,-3.6114914,3a,75y,230.82h,73.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sj6uKmuV4kS5ZZ3PuxXXprg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  4. How she was full of knife wounds tell me to f off if i'm being too nosey
  5. That's a hell of a story And you going to just leave us there
  6. The windows were probably too steamed up to get a good photo through
  7. People are just as lost on the internet as they are on the UK road network
  8. I use these @Clive they take some getting used to but are great which reminds me i need another pair lost my last ones on the trail somewhere https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/133599726972?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160727114228%26meid%3D8d3aff14c23a407d80fdd570e54c3b99%26pid%3D100290%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D133599726972%26itm%3D133599726972%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2060778&_trksid=p2060778.c100290.m3507
  9. News like that would travel fast in work with us and i haven't heard anything and most of the storm water schemes don't use any chemicals it's fine screen filtered and UV treated so wouldn't be affected
  10. Not heard anything about that in Welsh Water
  11. That's what I've been saying to you, since you left there's been a real drive to clean up all beaches and water courses, Welsh Water have been spending millions on schemes to clean and treat storm water to reduce the amount of debris entering the water courses and ending up in the sea. They also face massive fines if they spill without consent. One of the projects we are involved with is fitting monitoring devices on every spill point from welsh waters assets all over wales no matter how big or small so they can see if the works is failing and do something about it
  12. Its lovely and clean in Port Talbot just look at that beautiful deserted beach photo taken from on top of one of the shit tanks next door
  13. Their still about i was riding across two of them last Friday, only difference now is the trees have taken hold on a lot of them so their not so open and don't look so ugly
  14. yes and one of those gremlins said to get shot of it and here you are having a great time on it
  15. Its ok we get the same here it's like the UK don't exist to foreigners we are all from England
  16. I've had similar stories told me on the courses I've done where people have entered a steel tank and died due to the tank rusting, A lot of people don't realise the danger with rust in enclosed spaces it uses up the oxygen creating an oxygen deficient atmosphere, Another one is we are not allowed to use aluminium ladders anywhere an explosive atmosphere may be present because if you bang aluminium against a rusty object you can create a spark and ignite the atmosphere
  17. In more ways than one
  18. The beginning and end of that where they squeeze through the ventilation ducting had me freaking out i think i have just discovered i'm claustrophobic
  19. Sorry Bob had a few last night i meant catchymonkey
  20. Yes but 9 of these horses Not the 30 of these in you average Harley
  21. Never mind that my brother was working there years ago and only phoned his girlfriend for a few minutes a day and came home to a mobile phone bill at almost £200 he didn't earn that a week
  22. I know where your coming from @Clive all my younger life I've just done what i wanted but after working in the waste water industry and having to do confined space training its made me think why am i still alive
  23. Yes it beats me why the Chinese can meet current EU regulations but the big Japanese companies cant
  24. This is one project if it comes off i might actually dust off my pushbike to ride through its a long one
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