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Sir Fallsalot

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Everything posted by Sir Fallsalot

  1. Nothing wrong with that Bob drowning my XR on Salisbury plain cost us about an hour and half to get it going again and me a lot of money to rebuild it afterwards
  2. Nice ride ? but onions with chicken does not compute in my head, i love chicken and i love onions but for some reason eating them together feels like i'll be breaking the law or something ?
  3. Damn shame those pushbikes are dangerous ?
  4. Coming back from Yorkshire a couple of years ago it was 30c me and Specs got stuck in traffic around Oswestry area i think, It was difficult filtering on the bikes with all the gear on Alan suggested we head west a bit before we turned south again which sounded like a good idea but his "a bit" was 30 miles i thought i was going to die of heat exhaustion it wasn't nice. hot weather for me is only enjoyably from the shade in a beer garden ?
  5. Cold is the only way i can ride i cant stand the heat so if we get a summer i don't ride that much. Don't like the dust either but as you say its OK if your out on your own or in front ?
  6. Me and a couple of mates out just before the lock down replacing one madness with another seems along time ago now My mate getting used to his DRZ he picked up that week ? The last time we went out this was me the new rear tyre helped this time We had a great day until my mate dropped his DRZ doing a steep hill climb and broke his clutch lever, I'd given him a lecture about being prepared for our trail rides and luckily he has a nice big bag on the back of his bike full of tools or so i thought all that was in there was the important stuff tobacco, papers, phone and wallet so made him think he had to ride it home without a clutch for a few miles before bodging the spare lever i had for my bike on his hope he's learnt a lesson but i'm not holding my breath ?
  7. I seem to remember you having some problem with getting bikes dirty has some new drug been invented that suppresses your polishing OCD ? Nice to see you still getting out ?
  8. I'd just like to say it was a party in my own home with the wife and kids very important to state at this time ?
  9. I've still got everything from the max bikes era i find it really difficult to sell stuff but added this to the collection in 2016
  10. Yes it is, i miss the duel sport rides we used to have he was a good riding buddy now i ride mostly on my own
  11. No not for many years now. He's given up the bikes and not seen him since same with Dawn i think ?
  12. I hope they haven't got as grumpy as i have over the years ?
  13. I thought this pub had shut down are those slippers in the corner mine ?
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