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Sir Fallsalot

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Everything posted by Sir Fallsalot

  1. Wasn't from Swansea was she
  2. I wonder if any of the other Jap manufactures will follow suit. It's what i need more choice of, a modern XR650r would be nice. But just cant understand how they can call over 150Kg ultra low weight unless their comparing it with a container ship. https://suzukicycles.com/dualsport/2025/dr-z4s
  3. Just seen this from one of the TRF rides on Saturday i said the roads were icy lol https://www.facebook.com/reel/2295344397513682/?s=single_unit&__cft__[0]=AZWeeC1Qz1gpj1aQz74GAlK5UJoH0n9siEKlOItaMc1I_hAn6M28IX0679XS6QJzw4oHVADI9SybRcQ6JmAhaa0pryYqIohms7eXvj26zxB6y2ZX9eQUJ2-1eJMtFuxkMiLc1_2g731DuLZiC2znuFfp3yZMd3gTVhWKCjdzIHwqmlj1eYupJHMJygd_sBOHa2BuO46TdEKpnufgzq_Fkwt9WOAw0Ha1Rqw-ORV1Oaw4LA&__tn__=H-R-R
  4. Why the fuck didn't i think of that lol
  5. They want to make sure nobody hears you coming so you don't get seen on it, crafty if you ask me
  6. I have been reading up on it a bit and this explains things a bit but still think it shouldn't be going into safe mode over a week of no use. Thing is i changed the lead acid battery on the previous bike because it started to give me problems when it was about a year old but that gave me warning signs this one doesn't its either on or off which i don't like. Going to keep an eye on the voltage while its disconnected over a week and if nothing changes i'll do the same when its connected. A lithium motorcycle battery going into "safe mode" when left unused for a period is likely due to its built-in Battery Management System (BMS) detecting a low voltage, which is a safety feature to prevent damage from deep discharge; essentially, the battery is entering a "sleep mode" when left for too long and the voltage drops below a certain threshold. Key points about this issue: Low Voltage Trigger: Most lithium batteries have a pre-set low voltage level that triggers the safe mode, preventing further discharge and potential damage to the battery cells. How to "wake up" the battery: To bring the battery out of safe mode, simply connect it to a compatible charger and allow it to charge to a safe level. Possible reasons why your lithium motorcycle battery might be going into safe mode frequently: Long periods of inactivity: If you leave your motorcycle unused for extended periods, the battery can slowly drain due to internal self-discharge, eventually reaching the low voltage threshold. Faulty charger: Using an incompatible or malfunctioning charger can lead to improper charging, causing the battery to drop below the safe voltage level. High parasitic draw: If there are accessories or electronics drawing power even when the motorcycle is off, it can drain the battery faster, triggering the safe mode. Battery aging: As lithium batteries age, their capacity can decrease, making them more prone to entering safe mode due to lower voltage levels. What to do: Check the battery voltage: Use a multimeter to check the battery voltage when the bike is off. If it's significantly low, charge the battery fully. Use a proper charger: Ensure you are using a lithium-ion specific charger designed for your motorcycle battery. Address parasitic draws: Check for any accessories that might be drawing power when the bike is off and disconnect them if necessary. Consider battery replacement: If your battery is old and frequently enters safe mode, it might be time to replace it with a new one.
  7. I don't remember what car i passed my test in just that it was the instructors car, probably because when i had my first lesson with him he pissed me off when he asked if i'd ever driven a car before i said i had been driving a Reliant Robin for the last two years, he replied i meant a proper car, cheeky fucker it was harder to drive the Robin than a four wheeled car, i had it on it's side twice haven't managed that with a four wheeled car yet.
  8. Looking good Bob i always found it a good stage to be at when renovating as you can see the end P.S I thought you were having a dry January I'll get me coat LOL
  9. Hows the boiler @Clive keeping you warm
  10. FFS what part of horizontal don't you understand you'll be complaining about the rules next its a good job i'm here to fix it for you
  11. After fucking about with the Beta yesterday i decided to take the 650 out for a run, I had one lane in mind to visit as i know there's been a tree down for about 15 years and the alternative route that's been created is a bit tough. I wanted to see if it was worth clearing and then organising a TRF party to clear it. Still in two minds whether its worth it as the track up to it is quite tough and not sure making the last 30 yards easier will be worth the effort as the tree trunk in the brambles is massive and will be a bit of work to shift it. Original route is to the right of the bike It was a weird ride i just didn't seem to gel with the bike i was noticing everything wrong like the clutch lever was a stretch to reach and when i did get hold of it it was a chore pulling it in and the throttle action was stiff i felt nervous on the wet roads so was riding like a granny and going down the lane i practically walked down but not a confident walk more like one of those old people you see in a shopping centre gripping onto a Zimmer frame as if it was on the edge of a 200 foot drop, maybe the Beta is turning me into a willy woofter. The temperature dropped to 2c on the way home and that made me even more nervous because it was getting dark and some of the roads had been icy all day. Today's a washout and i'm aching like a bitch think i'm coming down with something which hopefully explains my feelings yesterday going to do nothing i still haven't got dressed so it's going well.
  12. They stopped fitting the kickstart to the newer bikes as Beta has a very good reputation for reliable starting but it would be nice to have one and i would get one fitted but i'm just not sure i'll keep the bike long enough to justify the cost.
  13. There's a neat little button to push on the battery to push and it shows what the state of the charge is, it's showing full at the moment. Just checked if there is a parasitic draw on it but found the fuse gone in my multi meter don't know if its been gone for a while or i blew it today, have just ordered some more at a cost of £2.50 for one with £5 postage or £12 for five ordered the five i'm sure i can blow a few more. Got my multi meter out the van i use for work and it has a 0.43mA drain on it anything up to 50mA is acceptable so no problem there. Going to leave it disconnected for a while see if it goes dead again the bike is in a warm garage so i wouldn't be expecting any issues especially as its only just over a year old.
  14. No but there is a kit available for £260 the bike doesn't need a battery to run all it does is start the bike
  15. The Battery was dead before i got the bike out last weekend, after the charger recovered it enough to show some life i bumped it down the hill and it was good all day. Put the optimate on it when i got home and left it on. Tried the bike just now and battery is dead again even though the optimate was showing it ok, disconnected the optimate and put it back on and its in save mode again that was 5 minute ago its starting the bike again now fucking Lithium batteries are shit
  16. I was sticking my leg out for him through some of those corners watching that LOL
  17. I was just watching this and thought it might be a good thread idea or maybe not. Classic rally cars on some of my favorite biking roads with little to no room for errors. Imagine watching this with the volume up and the cars are EV's
  18. I will confess i didn't stop there for a photo i stopped because i was stuck and fucked LOL after a few minutes to get my breath i pulled the bike back a few feet and went up the left hand side as my front wheel was stuck in a gap in the rocks there.
  19. Are you sure it was a hotdog or is that code for something else, sounds like you had a close encounter to me
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