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YamaHead last won the day on March 2

YamaHead had the most liked content!


7,628 Excellent

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  • Location
    Elgin, OR USA
  • Motorcycle
    Had 25 of 'em...Which 1?

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  1. A couple of steel-framed YZ's....
  2. We have that same type of sign at our favorite watering hole here in Elgin....
  3. Jarno at the Nurburgring in '72....
  4. Exactly what I was thinking.... but I thought I'd let someone else tell him.
  5. Nice one @Saul....cool collection of hardware.
  6. Way to go Fred.... looks like a blast...makes me miss the fun I had on my XR's. Maybe a possible BOTM entry?...
  7. Been in the mid 50f's the past 3 days...& not a cloud in sight So I've been running my chainsaw through the back yard, cutting up dead fallen limbs of a few trees....which is a bit challenging at times trying to hang onto it w/ my hook....but I prevailed & got my 4x4 wheelbarrow (truck) filled up with debris that I'll be able to empty at the local dump next Saturday....for FREE. It also felt great to get a coupla Rides in as well... With the fast melt we had recently, there's been a few signs of erosion around....makes me glad I live where I do & not down near the river as it's quite full & flowing pretty quickly. The hillside at my place is so full of tree stumps & roots, that erosion doesn't have much effect. The hill on the right side of these tracks, showed a few spots where run-off was apparent...yesterday there was a coupla rather large rocks that let go & rolled down onto the tracks...somebody obviously moved them so later in the year, the excursion train can pass through w/o issues...
  8. I used to work w/ a guy who would eat Onion sandwiches for lunch....needless to say, it was like co-worker repellent after lunch each day!
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