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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Jeff Ward...mx legend...later on raced IndyCars as well...
  2. Finished up some online bizness for our church while the Mrs. had some girl-time w/ a few ladies from the church today.... tomorrow's supposed to be nice so we're heading to Wallowa lake for breakfast & a picnic lunch.
  3. The Screamin' Chief on the Muzzy Kwaker....
  4. DualSportin' in the PNW....
  5. A buddy's from high school... in this year's Portland Roadster Show...the very same car that he drove in HS...he's had it for more than 45 yrs.
  6. Half Dome...Yosemite Nat'l Park CA....
  7. Early 750 Zed massaged by RCM...
  8. I hear ya there mate....my sleep schedule gets pretty F'd up sometimes from the blasted nerve demons...
  9. Mang, Cadalora & Reggiani back in the 250 days....
  10. A nice trio of StinkWheels....
  11. My next youngest brother is a CrewChief aboard this flying egg-beater.... He knows EVERY last nut, bolt & rivet on this beast....& is currently in flight from S. America up to Aurora OR as I type....some 8k+ miles.
  12. Windy & Wet here weatherwise....a bit of Tequila shooting on the schedule for this evening I finally got the Tuff-strips installed in Mrs. Hook's trike tires- as well as a shift cable adjust. Got 3 good days coming next week...temps in the 70'sF Good time for a test ride & any fine-tuning that needs to be done.
  13. The 1st full size motorcycle that I ever rode....my Dad's daily steed...same year & model, only his was red...
  14. Wild looking naked CBX....
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