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Everything posted by YamaHead

  1. Looks like Buck has become the resident grammar nazi....
  2. YamaHead

    Snowy 9-1-24

    Drove home last night from La Grande....windy & snowing sideways...woke up to this off the kitchen this morning...
  3. The type of stuff that Pete's nightmares are made of....
  4. Shootin' Tequila with the misses tonight....which is always fun. New Years day: back to work in the garage....
  5. Can't remember a more peaceful year for me.... my wife has alot to do with that. Gonna definitely get some more camping in next year...
  6. Just finished dinner from my Wizard in the Kitchen wife... Finally made some progress on swapping out a fuel pump in S-15 GMC truck today....now just killing an hour before Tequila Night starts with that same awesome wife
  7. Sounds like the beginning of a "Mamola" recipe...
  8. @XTreme ...aka Capt. Namby Pamby gets my nomination.... think he's trying compensate for something ..... Or he's just overwhelmed w/ having a stapled up scar near his junk. Scars are just life's tatoo's....believe me, I know. None of us would have this venue to vent or just flick sh*t, w/o him.
  9. Mt. Harris, Which I pass @ least twice a week....looks awesome w/ snow on it during the winter...
  10. Latest artwork on the living room wall....
  11. Line dancing is outta the question Pete....especially considering that my wife has bum knee & my screwed up, toe-less feet won't allow it.
  12. The missus & I are heading to Boise ID tomorrow morning to celebrate her & her sister's b-day as they're only 4 yrs. & a week apart.... Just gonna drink tequila & play darts in their garage....low key fun.
  13. Rode a few XJ's in my past...
  14. Drawing a tribute to my best friend's boss who just passed away suddenly last week....my friend really respected his boss....the kind of guy who makes going to work a pleasure. He was a native american...which I told my friend that he called the right guy as being married to a native for 31 yrs, I have a ton of love & respect for the natives. I'm hoping that the finished product will help along with his grieving process...
  15. Nuthin' but a Meat Market for the (maybe) 20 sumthins ....some of those blokes look like they couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag
  16. Welcome aboard Kostas! Nice T7 you've got there.... Great to see another member to carry the torch for the Tuning Fork marque...
  17. There are definitely times when I feel like a Borg....I think it freaks some folks out, but I love how some kids react to it. I met a little girl once that thought my cable was attached Internally. Then there's some lads that think it's the koolest thing since sliced bread...
  18. Well, the harness that operates my hook finally broke....been living with no opposing member for 2 weeks....like not having a thumb. Since I moved, the insurance I had basically dropped off....so I was expecting a big bill for this service. I fortunately found a clinic under the same Hanger name where I originally got the arm built. It was 108 miles away, which was alot closer than the original location in Portland which is 280 miles from me. It turned out really well as I got the harness repaired w/ a new HD cable as well. Really glad I returned to the company that built it....didn't have to fill out any paperwork & was able to order 2 new harness' & 8 new arm socks for just over 100 bux. 3+ yrs. ago was the last time I had any dealings with them....drove 280 miles to only get short-changed with a crap cable that broke in 3 days time. So since then, I've been buying pre-cut shift cables from a bike shop only 20 miles away, to keep it operable. Thank God that my Medicare covered 80% of the cost, because anything prosthetic is just stoopid expensive! Now I'm able to finish the projects in my garage & keep riding the 'Goose more often. The real icing on the cake was when the missus & I got home, we finally got a message from my oldest boy who's been working in Israel as a PMC (pc term for Mercenary)...he said it's pretty hectic there right now, but he's working on coming home stateside after Christmas...which left me pretty stoked as I haven't seen him in over 3 & a half years. I couldn't be more proud of him....miss him terribly, but he did also attach this holiday greeting....
  19. I can relate to that metal staple thing.....they pulled 150 of 'em outta my right side of my chest....before they chopped off my toes. Fortunately, I felt only about 3 of those. Take it from me....MRSA is nothing but a Bitch!
  20. Completely PeteProhibitive weather!... Nice ride there Russ... Glad you made it through that heart-stopper of a moment.
  21. Main reason I bought my 32 y/o 4x4 Chevy....put taller tires on it....which works really well up my steep driveway. Pretty kool to see people go grocery shopping in this little town in the snow....in a side-by-side ATV w/ tracks & a blade on the front. Saw a couple slide up to the store on a snowmobile once....just another beer run. The county cops are all kool with it.
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