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About Mess

  • Birthday 09/09/1908

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  • Motorcycle
    Xr650r, Husky450sm,zx1400,sv650,xs650,crf150 basically i'm spoiled

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  1. About 9 years ago I won the contract to gut out a 4 unit warehouse building to turn it into one bit space. It had a mezzanine that you could only get to by using a ladder or forklift. There were 7 totally disassembled ZX7's sitting on pallets. It had been used by tj4 cops to store stolen property and they had left them after moving out. I called them and they told me to throw them out. I made a small fortune selling all the parts on Ebay . Australians love zx7s. I must gave shipped half if it there. All totaled I made close to 9 grand canuck from their laziness
  2. As one of my racing friends said....hold it wfo into the corner until you see God then back it off. But what the hell do I know? I just jump on the silly things and ride the piss out of them. That's why I like 450 cc motard so much. I can ride them balls to the wall and not exceed my skill set.
  3. Shit that's pretty pathetic. I blame buck place has gone all to hell since he found his camera.
  4. I flounced....and you fuckers didn't even notice.?
  5. Pfft. I'm like that gas station hot dog you ate 9 years ago that's still in your stomach. I always can be found on one of Pete's forums. Usually in the first 10 who join
  6. Do it. I put one on my xr650r and it transformed it. After I installed the big block kit in it and bumped it up to 680cc it was almost impossible to start when hot and there was a 50/50 chance the bastard would try to break your foot while kicking it. All that went away when converted the carb to a flat slide double pumper. 1 to 2 kicks cold or hot and she fires right up. I used a Edlebrock #3115 double pumper on mine. They list one for your klr as well. Last time I checked they were about $400 bucks
  7. Mess

    Old sayings.

    Dumber than a bag of hammers My dad used that one a lot
  8. Mess

    Old sayings.

    If it ain't broke ...don't fix it.
  9. what you need is a nice turbocharged Blackbird I know a guy
  10. We are about a hour away from our Easter feast. The turkey should be ready in about an hour. Since it's only Lynne and I this year we only bought a small 12 pound one. We are having my famous chorizo sausage and pecan stuffing, roast carrots and turnips along with garlic roast potatoes. Yum! Happy Easter Everyone.
  11. That is the most absolutely perfect reply ever! Well done Pete.Top man, class and all the rest of that bullshit And my hats off to you as well Bob. Great one, i would have paid money to watch that in person.
  12. nope... not even close to being offended, even his reply to me was more subpar than usual. I'm afraid Buck's gone soft.He's lost the plot. I think it started when he started driving the bus.
  13. It's a great feeling. you are going to be amazed at how nice it is to not have that worry. It's like i'm free now and i can say screw it! if i don't want to work today then nope not going to do it. It took way longer than i thought it would but as you know housing costs here in Vancouver are insane. I never in a million years thought when i was young that my crappy house here in Delta would ever be worth well over a million bucks. Vancouver's done. there is no way a young couple alone can afford to buy a house here, a frigging condo ( flat for you euro types) start at $800000+ grand
  14. We are celebrating (as much as Lynne and I can with the lockdown) with all restaurants closed for the next month I am roasting a prime rib roast with all the fixings including Yorkshire puddings. We have officially paid off all our debt! No more mortgage and all other debt is finally gone. It feels fucking great.
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