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Carpe Via

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  • Motorcycle
    700 Tenere
  1. Hey Pedro. I have only just got it, so let me give it a few hundred miles and I'll report back. I am looking for a TET (Trans Euro Trail) travel machine and am very much hoping that the AJP will do that. So far, I have been using my T7 but she is starting to feel a bit heavy when I need to pick her up. But the T7's twin engine is just so good, I am keeping her as my 'road' bike.
  2. Thanks, everyone, for the welcome! Much appreciated:)
  3. I have now finished 2 major motorcycle journey videos. I really enjoy the travels and those always come first, the filming is secondary as I do not want it to distract from the enjoyment of the jopurney. Here they are: I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed riding them and filming them
  4. Carpe Via : cease the road 🙂

  5. Hi everyone, Was looking for a UK-based motorcycle forum and found this! Been riding motorcycles for over 30 years, love travelling and filming my journeys. https://www.youtube.com/@carpe_via/videos I ride a Yamaha T700 Tenere as well as an AJP PR7
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