Good evening
The title sounds a lot grander than the actual trip.
I made a very brief introduction, funnily enough in the introduction thread so I wont drone on here about myself.
I have a trip planned (very loose plan) where I will be setting off from my home in Lancashire, travelling down the country eventually to Newhaven to catch the ferry to Dieppe.
The only solid plan I have is the Ferry is booked and I have also booked a cheap hotel on the Dieppe side for the first night, other than that I'm following my nose and camping where possible.
My ultimate destination is Morocco, and I dearly want to sample the Western Sahara , if only to say I have been there, I don't wish to cross it at this point in time (thats another trip).
So I have been busy lately, the bike is serviced and deemed fit for purpose (for now) although she is an old girl i think together we can meander along and see some of the the world.
The bike is a 2002 BMW F650GS all standard apart from some Heed crash bars, some bark busters, better footpegs and a higher screen.
It has genuine BMW hard panniers and top box and along with a large dry bag I think I will have sufficent room to carry my necessary tools and spares along with my camping kit.
In the next few days my kit should be finalised so i will then set the rear shock to suit the extra weight and I will be ready to head off.
My planned departure date is the 16th of Nov with my ferry leaving Newhaven on the 18th at 11am.
I'm planning on visiting my brother in Bedfordshire before the ferry hence the early set off date.
Then its across to Dieppe, stay that night in a cheap hotel and set off properly on the 19th and see where I end up.
I'm expecting wet weather in both France and Spain but I'm still determined to camp where possible.
My route will take in some of the better roads France/Spain and Portugal have to offer so I will be avoiding motorways.
I want to spend Christmas in Sagres in Portugal so that give me a plenty of time to get there.
Then in the new year, hopefully new years day I want to cross over to Morocco and make my way down to the Western Sahara.
My return route has yet to be decided but at the moment I'm thinking of getting back to Spain and turn right following the coast up towards Barcelona but as I say its all a very loose plan.
Although I'm not taking a laptop nor a video camera I try record some bits on my mobile if only for my own enjoyment and I hope to be able to update this thread from time to time.
I have taken advice from here already and plan to get a vodafone top up cars for europe and Inwi for Morocco so at least I have some data to use for updates.
Like everyone i like decent riding kit but to buy a textile jacket and pants some of them were more expensive than my bike.
I have now gotten the kit I feel works, I've done 2700 miles in it and it worked for me, it has layers to keep me warm and the textile jacket has a removable liner to cool things down if required.
This may be a controversial decision but I have chosen to wear biking jeans above textile trousers, mainly because of comfort, I tend to overheat easily and textile trousers just make me sweat.
But along with my mix and match clothing I have invested in a set of Scott waterproofs, I have used these a few times in torrential rain and can vouch I stayed dry underneath.
Two pairs of gloves, one waterproof ,one lighter pair more suited to drier weather.
As for boots, well I invested in a pair of Altberg Clubman boots back in 2011 and they are still going strong so they are coming along for the ride, I cannot recommend Altberg highly enough, the boots have been excellent.( I'm not being paid for any of these recommendations, I'm just passing on my thoughts).
That's about it for now, a lot of writing about a trip I have not done yet but I hope to update things as I go along, if anyone sees an aging F650GS with an equally aging bloke give me a shout or say hello.
Speak soon