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Grasshopper last won the day on November 25 2022

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About Grasshopper

  • Birthday November 25

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    For now....only memories.

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  1. Hey folks, just stopped by as I do from time to time and I saw this sad news about Pete. He was always very nice to me and I appreciated his honesty, sad news. Hope everyone else is well and having some fun adventures.
  2. Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2023 is a good year for you, well balanced with a healthy amount of smiles and adventures.
  3. ....well ....actually, I can think of a few worse places to be than a cottage with a fellow maritimer..... I know, I know, it's a hard thing to understand....
  4. Hey, remember we talked about this, play nice
  5. In the middle of a Province that spoke a different language, Quebec. It was different, I did ok with the language, but accidentally ordered too many apple pies.... Not the worst thing that could have happen....
  6. I did make it through and so glad to get out of Quebec, didn't like it very much at all..... But on the other hand, I have only been in New Brunswick a few hours and I love it. I have heard music a few times already, met some nice people, seen some lovely scenery, enjoyed the highways.....love it here!
  7. Some really lovely photos and those look like fun roads.
  8. There is a lot to it, I guess I just get tired of people using the word which was based on a misconception to start, it seems like a lack of education. It's also a ridiculous generalization. I have lived closely with the indigenous of the Sunshine Coast and have come to respect them and other indigenous groups for their individual traits, so perhaps I took it differently than most would. I guess I just wasn't in the mood to keep my opinions to myself the day I saw the thread. I should know better and just let people do what they want, I'm sorry I said anything.
  9. We got slowed down again by some snow but we are heading to Sudbury today. Then one more day and we are in Quebec. . Excited as I have never been, but nervous about my French speaking. I’ll just smile lots, seems to work…..
  10. Meanwhile in Canada, this is how our moose deal with people who get in their way….
  11. Although I see the humour in this it is offensive. Perhaps in Canada it is more so, not sure how strong the native culture is in other places, but here I respect them enough not to call them Indians at least. Canada would be American if not for our natives kicking their butt all those years ago. Anyways, just felt the need to express my thoughts on that, carry on.
  12. Looks like what I was driving through today.....
  13. The van is front wheel drive, thank goodness. She’s like a cat clawing her way through snow. We are ready for a rescue if needed, but I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that.
  14. My partner drives the van and I am in the 4Runner. My skills are not up for the van in this weather, I need my 4x4.
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