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Earache last won the day on September 24

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About Earache

  • Birthday November 30

Personal Information

  • Location
    Colorado USA
  • Motorcycle
    Super Tenere, others

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  1. Made to Albuquerque, New Mexico last night in time for the traditional Xmas dinner celebration with the wife. Good old burn your bunghole food at our favorite place in town...
  2. Nope. It's a water shortage thing. Not allowed to wash cars, water outside plants (we don;t have any anyway) or use water outside. In Denver, you're not allowed to collect more than 2 - 50 gallon drums of rainwater - the City owns all rain water and they don't want you stealing it. I knw that sounds werid to you guys that live in a rainy climate, but we just don't get a lot of rain around here and rationing water has to be done.
  3. We don't have one at home either -against the law here. Huge pain in the ass.
  4. My new helmet is in at the local bike shop. Just need to get off my ass and drive down the mountain to get it. It's a bit of a drive at 65 miles away, so I'll wait until Saturday msot likely. Might beg them to install the Cardo unit while I'm there.
  5. A balmy 22F / -6C here in Paradise. Only 6 more months to go before riding season - yay!
  6. That's the high temp insummer around here. Jealous.
  7. Colder than a well digger's ass here - well below freezing. I need to move.
  8. Not impossible; just a lofty goal which you'll have to step your game up to in order to achieve.
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