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Everything posted by Earache

  1. Might as well use this one - already posted it on another thread though. Should have a rule here that it can't have been posted earlier or something.
  2. Xmas, eh? Guess I'll have to lay low for 5 months so I'll be outta the running.
  3. No - but it sounds like it'd be a good challenge for us all to try - see who can do the most convincing accident scene.
  4. Howdy Max! Nissan Patrol, eh? Well, they're pretty adventerous.
  5. Why? Is he thicker than me (doubtful).
  6. Well I didn't know until I read Fred's post. So count me as one of thick bastards.?
  7. That is a pretty cool pic though - I like it!
  8. Not really, the gold mines are all around it and it was the gold miner's kids that went to the school. But once the miners left, the kids left as well. School closed and fell into disrepair. The current school (we have only one school in the entire county and it serves Kindergarten through 12th grade) only graduates about 15 students per year. Hardly worth keeping it open for so few students. It'll probably look like this school in another 100 years <gg>.
  9. Time to head home, hopped on my scooter and headed that way..
  10. Head back south past some gold mines and stopped by the old Gilpin County School. It's looked better....
  11. End of the road, was posted from here so had to turn around...
  12. Would be cool to refurbish it into a home as the scenery is great from up here (around 10,000'). A few of the walls are beginning to crumble anbd fall though....
  13. I'm not sure how old these are, but they were reinforced with concrete in the not too distant past. There's also mortar in there, so not too old....
  14. Sunday and the roads were crowded with people from the city up in the mountains for the day. So I stayed in my own area and rode some dirt - roads are too rough for cars, so not many people. Stone ruins at the Caribou Mine....
  15. No idea. I've been by there on a Sunday morning and there's not really anyone there. No towns of any size nearby, either. It's a Catholic church though, real name is Saint Catherine of Siena Chapel. So I assume whatever archdiocese that covers Colorado takes care of it. It's well kept though.
  16. Pics or it didn't happen.
  17. Not too bad - it has 21,000 miles right now. Probably be around 28,000 by the end of riding season this year when it'll be 2 years old.
  18. The county that I live in is named Gilpin County. So lots of things and places around here are named "Gilpin". It is named after William Gilpin - see; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Gilpin_(governor)
  19. They're wild animals, but they do have their standards.
  20. The KX450XC looks cool. Wish it had a rudimentary headlight and tail light on it so it could be plated for street use here. I need to get a new dirt bike.
  21. A neighboring town, Silver Plume (wonder what they mined there?) has it's own train for tourists to ride as well as a small museum. But the cool part is the engine house where they repair the trains. They also have a nice, original station...
  22. The other train in town, bears the same Engine Number - although I don't know why. Maybe they shared the same line / route or something?
  23. Gilpin Hotel now and then. Just up the street from the train. Look at that sparkling clean bike!
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