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  1. Cheers @Buckster, good advice. I'll take care what colour it is aswell., steering well clear of vibrating rabbit purple!
  2. You're all mad....I think ill like it here
  3. I never knew it before but apparently I have a Dundonald blue car
  4. If it's any consolation I think your bike looks great
  5. Now there's an idea. Thank you
  6. This choosing business is getting harder! Lol
  7. Haha, many thanks for all the good info @YamaHead. Glad your dad had such a cool name lol. Always been fan of the kawasakis ever since my brother-in-law took me out on his souped up zxr750.....lunatic of a bike! But must say after trolling YouTube for months there is heck of a lot to choose from that seem a bit less extreme, streettriple and GSX8R to name a couple. I'll be interested to see what I end up with too!
  8. Thanks @Six30, I've been hearing that a lot.
  9. Thanks for that mate. I definitely want a sports bike and not planning on major distances, just fun rides out. The other half's hairdresser Kelly had one too and she said go for it
  10. Hi, not yet but a few test rides are gonna be the next thing so might have a complete change of heart then. Do like the pretty bikes though
  11. Hi all, I'm returning to biking soon. I started on an RD 50 in 1987, progressed to an RD 125 in 88. Had a couple of years off after being sinful and getting a car lol. Then passed my bike test. That was about when I met the wife who swore I would never have a bike as they are dangerous. Little did I know that she really meant it. Anyway after 30 years I'm finally divorcing her and my new Mrs is well happy for me to have a bike. So, what do I get? Keep getting conflicting opinions from people and online. Love the ninjas so first thought about the 400...then the zx4rr showed up and seemed ideal apart from some saying you have to thrash it to find the power. Then I've spoken to people who say don't bother you'll soon get bored, go straight for the zx6r! Tempted to use them as an excuse and go for it but not sure it's truly a wise thing to do. Then there is the Aprillia rs 660 Anyone out there with good advice. Ps I'm a very active 54 year old (scaffolder/ultra marathon runner) and did a fair bit of scrambling in my teens.
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