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15 minutes ago, Sir Fallsalot said:

The bike is £117 if it was 44cc less it would be £84 yours is close to  being in the PLG class.

650 singles are the worst for tax 

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12 hours ago, Sir Fallsalot said:

Just had the tax reminders for the marmite wagon and the dog due the end of the month, both in one envelope, for the two of them it's four fucking hundred and sixty fucking two fucking pounds the robbing cunts.

I've just taxed the tracer and only went for 6 months.

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I love being single, I have the turbo manifold off the car in bits on the kitchen worktop while I fit a new cartridge, you fuckers would be killed if you did that.

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27 minutes ago, Buckster said:

I love being single, I have the turbo manifold off the car in bits on the kitchen worktop while I fit a new cartridge, you fuckers would be killed if you did that.

Actually my wife wouldn't mind me doing that it's the smell she would complain about 

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1 hour ago, Sir Fallsalot said:

Actually my wife wouldn't mind me doing that it's the smell she would complain about 

You should use deodorant then.

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Just one day, that's all I want. Just one day when I can go outside and not be under some threat of imminent death from an animal, weather or some shit....


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Saw a couple of nice bikes today, other than mine of course.  

A nice Rickman CE which I didnt get a picture of and this proper BSA.



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21 hours ago, boboneleg said:

Good to see Fred today, a good days trail riding was had until I dropped my bike in a ford 😬

You should strap it down properly , you need any tips for securing it properly for the journey home …let me know 

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2 hours ago, Buckster said:

Saw a couple of nice bikes today, other than mine of course.  

A nice Rickman CE which I didnt get a picture of and this proper BSA.



That BSA is stunning.  

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On 08/06/2024 at 18:24, Buckster said:

I love being single, I have the turbo manifold off the car in bits on the kitchen worktop while I fit a new cartridge, you fuckers would be killed if you did that.

I’m never allowed to forget when I got “rumbled” cleaning engine bits in the dishwasher. You’d think I was drowning puppies in it. 

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On 08/06/2024 at 19:25, Catteeclan said:

 You got the wrong women.



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51 minutes ago, Sir Fallsalot said:

Are you keeping back any photos i'm sure there was more than that and a video 😉

Sorry Fred, we had a WhatsApp group. Most are on there.

 I’ll send them to you on WhatsApp 

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Weird day finished work at 8:00 am drove to Duchy College to pick up my older daughter as she has been on weekend duties.  She was grumpy but came around, we have been on the cross for a couple of days but all good now.  All it took was a Maccies McFlurry 🤣

Got home at 9:00 am coffee and breakfast then headed off to Newton Abbot to look at my new to me bike and bought it.   Now 1:00 pm so headed home for 3:00 pm.   Crash slept until 7:00 pm now don’t know my arse from my elbow.    Happy though, watching some trash Aussie cop show with the dog and Mrs.   

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13 hours ago, Sir Fallsalot said:

@buckster have you tried this

No, it’s all exported to Wales.

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