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Your Day Today!


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8 hours ago, Saul said:

Weird day finished work at 8:00 am drove to Duchy College to pick up my older daughter as she has been on weekend duties.  She was grumpy but came around, we have been on the cross for a couple of days but all good now.  All it took was a Maccies McFlurry 🤣

Got home at 9:00 am coffee and breakfast then headed off to Newton Abbot to look at my new to me bike and bought it.   Now 1:00 pm so headed home for 3:00 pm.   Crash slept until 7:00 pm now don’t know my arse from my elbow.    Happy though, watching some trash Aussie cop show with the dog and Mrs.   

New bike ??

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7 minutes ago, Six30 said:

New bike ??

Yeah look at the guidance thread in the bike section.  Honda CBF600SA,  It's only a cheapie commuter but I am quite chuffed with it.  Going to get it tomorrow.  

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Out with the dog this morning.   Loving the tiger water.   
Pilot boat off out to bring in a clay boat.  

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Got a soaking this morn fitting brake pipes to an Audi TT. Was jumping in the car when the showers return but got to the point I couldn't get much wetter.
Put another shelf up in the garage and now time for some housework.
Mandi's in Copenhagen again so I'm blasting out some Prodigy while cleaning the bath room.

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2 minutes ago, Catteeclan said:

Got a soaking this morn fitting brake pipes to an Audi TT. Was jumping in the car when the showers return but got to the point I couldn't get much wetter.
Put another shelf up in the garage and now time for some housework.
Mandi's in Copenhagen again so I'm blasting out some Prodigy while cleaning the bath room.

As long as you start a fire 🔥🤣

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Spent my Birthday today @ home w/ my favorite food made by my favorite Girl♥️....gonna top it all off w/ some good Tequila tonight.🥃

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35 minutes ago, YamaHead said:

Spent my Birthday today @ home w/ my favorite food made by my favorite Girl♥️....gonna top it all off w/ some good Tequila tonight.🥃

Hard to beat! 

happy birthday!

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6 hours ago, YamaHead said:

Spent my Birthday today @ home w/ my favorite food made by my favorite Girl♥️....gonna top it all off w/ some good Tequila tonight.🥃

Happy Birthday

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11 hours ago, YamaHead said:

Spent my Birthday today @ home w/ my favorite food made by my favorite Girl♥️....gonna top it all off w/ some good Tequila tonight.🥃

happy birthday 👍

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Rained here all morning so done nothing other than a bit of house work. Just had a phone call to go see one of my granddaughters doing the schools track day. She's only 5 and mum had forgot and was out elsewhere.
I said I'd go and went and put some jeans on only to get a second call to says she'd got the day wrong. Bored now.:classic_laugh:

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5 hours ago, Catteeclan said:

Rained here all morning so done nothing other than a bit of house work. Just had a phone call to go see one of my granddaughters doing the schools track day. She's only 5 and mum had forgot and was out elsewhere.
I said I'd go and went and put some jeans on only to get a second call to says she'd got the day wrong. Bored now.:classic_laugh:

A school with trackdays sounds great! :classic_laugh:

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25 minutes ago, Pedro said:

A school with trackdays sounds great! :classic_laugh:

Perhaps I should of called it sports day.

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22 minutes ago, Sir Fallsalot said:

Not seen any activity from @clive in a while is he still around or done a silent flounce :classic_laugh:

Confused Looking For GIF by Looney Tunes

😂.....still lurking here.

Season 1 Episode 3 GIF by Rick and Morty

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Had this bad back for what seems like ages, so i have done very very little, apart from taking my meds twice a day, been nowhere, done nothing, I did make a effort to take wifey to Asda a few times, i have not even looked in the shed, or done anything in the garden (much to Bucksters delight) .....so nothing to report...

I just hope my back is better (and the bleeding weather is too) for the weekend after next, we should be away near Scarborough for 4 days, not going if back is no better....

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49 minutes ago, Clive said:

Had this bad back for what seems like ages, so i have done very very little, apart from taking my meds twice a day, been nowhere, done nothing, I did make a effort to take wifey to Asda a few times, i have not even looked in the shed, or done anything in the garden (much to Bucksters delight) .....so nothing to report...

I just hope my back is better (and the bleeding weather is too) for the weekend after next, we should be away near Scarborough for 4 days, not going if back is no better....

Sorry to hear that Clive, hope you’re better soon.   

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4 minutes ago, Saul said:

Sorry to hear that Clive, hope you’re better soon.   

Suffered with it for years, on and off, it usually improves after a week or so, it is nearly into the 3rd week this time, but it's not improving much, if at all.

Audiology appointment next Thursday, hope there is some improvement in my back because its a looong walk from the car park to audiology department.

Walking Alone GIF by BBC America 😂 

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4 hours ago, Clive said:

Had this bad back for what seems like ages, so i have done very very little, apart from taking my meds twice a day, been nowhere, done nothing, I did make a effort to take wifey to Asda a few times, i have not even looked in the shed, or done anything in the garden (much to Bucksters delight) .....so nothing to report...

I just hope my back is better (and the bleeding weather is too) for the weekend after next, we should be away near Scarborough for 4 days, not going if back is no better....

My back was fucked up after I broke my leg and it healed slightly shorter, an osteopath sorted it for me, deep muscle massage and then realignment of the vertebrae did the trick, it was pretty bad as I had had it for a couple of years and it took a few sessions to fix it but after that I haven't had any problems.

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3 hours ago, Clive said:

Suffered with it for years, on and off, it usually improves after a week or so, it is nearly into the 3rd week this time, but it's not improving much, if at all.

Audiology appointment next Thursday, hope there is some improvement in my back because its a looong walk from the car park to audiology department.

Walking Alone GIF by BBC America 😂 

Is the audiology because your wife says that you don't listen ?

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No point going to Scarborough for a dirty weekend if your back is playing up.

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5 hours ago, zzzak said:

Is the audiology because your wife says that you don't listen ?

Eh.. what?.....its my yearly appointment,  they will give the hearing aids a check over, and see what bit (3%) of hearing I have left, I will give them my right aid back as that ear is totally silent now, apart from raging tinnitus, left ear going the same way, only hear a very quiet mmm nn mmm when folks talk.

My back 🤔 cant afford to go to the bone bender.


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1 hour ago, Buckster said:

No point going to Scarborough for a dirty weekend if your back is playing up.

Last dirty weekend we had was sometime around the year 2000 😂 


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