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25 minutes ago, Clive said:

Eh.. what?.....its my yearly appointment,  they will give the hearing aids a check over, and see what bit (3%) of hearing I have left, I will give them my right aid back as that ear is totally silent now, apart from raging tinnitus, left ear going the same way, only hear a very quiet mmm nn mmm when folks talk.

My back 🤔 cant afford to go to the bone bender.


WHAT ????

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15 minutes ago, boboneleg said:

My wife had a hearing aid fitted last week, she is down to 30% in her left ear.

👍...... hope she hangs onto the 30%

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14 hours ago, Clive said:

Had this bad back for what seems like ages, so i have done very very little, apart from taking my meds twice a day, been nowhere, done nothing, I did make a effort to take wifey to Asda a few times, i have not even looked in the shed, or done anything in the garden (much to Bucksters delight) .....so nothing to report...

I just hope my back is better (and the bleeding weather is too) for the weekend after next, we should be away near Scarborough for 4 days, not going if back is no better....

Hope it’s better soon , my back goes from time to time , fucking agony , I fell off a roof when I was younger , done a disc , had an op that sorted it , but have to be careful … lifting heavy weights especially , when I go for a piss I have to lay down .

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1 minute ago, Six30 said:

Hope it’s better soon , my back goes from time to time , fucking agony , I fell off a roof when I was younger , done a disc , had an op that sorted it , but have to be careful … lifting heavy weights especially , when I go for a piss I have to lay down .

I hope you lay sideways, then


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I've got a stupid little muscle between the pelvis and spine which flares up every now and then. Can normally keep it at bay with a few stretches etc but still causes grief at times.
I'd still rather have this than some of the spinal probs some of my mates have.

Hope it settles down soon Clive.
Nice walk in the sunshine this morn followed by fitting a pair of shocks for a friend. Sun's now gone and waiting for Mandis return from Copenhagen although she'll prob want to plonk her arse down and do bugga all.
Might get the Tracer out for a look over as I'm off to the IOW Wednesday, but then I might not.


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19 minutes ago, Six30 said:

Hope it’s better soon , my back goes from time to time , fucking agony , I fell off a roof when I was younger , done a disc , had an op that sorted it , but have to be careful … lifting heavy weights especially , when I go for a piss I have to lay down .

I was offered a op years ago, and Doc said that after it i could possibly be off work for 6 months, I could not stand to loose a possible 6 months of wages.

In the past I had months of just a aching back, this is the worst it has been for a long time.

Pissing ain't a problem, it is getting off the lav after having a dump that's problematic. 

But that said, it is a bit better today, not getting the stabbing pains................I have hidden all the sharp kitchen knives. 😂 



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5 hours ago, Pedro said:

I hope you lay sideways, then


Yes … trough  urinal

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Just been out cleaning up my CB600 ready to use,, luckily it started to rain just as I finished.   I wanted to take some photos but will wait for it to dry up, maybe some time looking at the forecast.  🤣

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13 minutes ago, Saul said:

 I wanted to take some photos but will wait for it to dry up,

August. 🤔....yeh., August 👍 

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29 minutes ago, Saul said:

Just been out cleaning up my CB600 ready to use,, luckily it started to rain just as I finished.   I wanted to take some photos but will wait for it to dry up, maybe some time looking at the forecast.  🤣

It has been raining on and off all morning here.

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My German pal keeps texting Goal... Goal...Goal, I ain't interested 😡 

Nothing against Scotland, I just ain't intetested in football....

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3 hours ago, Clive said:

My German pal keeps texting Goal... Goal...Goal, I ain't interested 😡 

Nothing against Scotland, I just ain't intetested in football....

Me too, couldn’t care less.    

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13 hours ago, boboneleg said:

Here we go then .  Beer in the fridge , bring it on ...................



Hope the twat Andy Murray was watching Scotland get it given to em

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11 hours ago, Clive said:

My German pal keeps texting Goal... Goal...Goal, I ain't interested 😡 

Nothing against Scotland, I just ain't intetested in football....


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31 minutes ago, Six30 said:


I know that's why I don't like it. poofball 🤣


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1 minute ago, boboneleg said:

There will be a few Scots wandering around Munich with sore heads this morning 😬

I bet they are regretting all the before match hype this morning.  😳

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3 minutes ago, boboneleg said:

There will be a few Scots wandering around Munich with sore heads this morning 😬

good ... they might as well fly home now 🤣

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