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First day out on the bike in ages..well 3 months


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Its been far too long since I last went for a decent ride on the bike, last Friday a friend of mine Eric,asked if I wanted to join him and his mate Les for a spin out in the country how could I refuse? 


The route was around 150km  around the area to the west of Gandia, a gorgeous day for a ride even if we did take the odd wrong turning.



Stopped off a couple of time for refreshments like you do when the temperature climbs to the upper 30's


Unfortunately my front facing go-pro had a problem when i got home all the data on the card was corrupt so have to make do with footage from the older camera set up on my rear pannier, but you get the idea. Just part of the trip but it will do a great day.

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I am curious, as I see a lot of people doing the same thing around here, why carrying so much luggage weight for a short ride?

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3 hours ago, Pedro said:

I am curious, as I see a lot of people doing the same thing around here, why carrying so much luggage weight for a short ride?

Saves taking stuff off? Available storage space?
My panniers come off when not in use and I leave most of my camping gear in them. Topbox generally stays on as I can get my lid and jacket in there if I chose to walk a bit. Always carry a few odd bits in there anyway. 

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