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Zzzaks drivel


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Bucky mentioned it a few times but I paid him no heed because I only look for things that are valid and Buckys constant references to it were enough to make me ignore it, however as a conspiracy theorist I always keep looking for clues and I found this.

Now as to the Earth being flat I am neither for or against it but given what we have been told I found this to be an interesting observation.


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Fucking idiot, Polaris isn't fixed, even polar scopes of fairly recent manufacture have to be taken with a pinch of salt when using the built in marks for where to place Polaris to gain accurate polar alignment with the Earth's axis of rotation
Here's an example of  Losmandy brand polarscope reticule, you can see the markings (near where it say's UMi (Polaris), that is where Polaris has to be placed and it changes, it is now out of the markins so alignment can be too far off for accurate tracking of more than 30 sec with a 1000mm telescope, it why we use plate solving to give absolute accuracy for better tracking (plate solving is uploading and image to servers that identify precisely where your telescope is pointed by analysing the stars in the image) it takes two separate images to be plate solved  by rotating the mount on it's RA (right ascension) axis the program then gives a visual as to which way to move the elevation and azimuth controls to get it spot on, taking more images each time and plate solving after each move.
These fuckwits really ought to do their homework properly as the people who listen to them should.


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Oh and forget his claptrap about the Sun moving through the Universe, it's literally not relevant. the stars you see in the sky are in our own Galaxy, the Galaxy moves relative to the Earth or rather the Earth moves with the Galaxy and all it's stars, the Earth does not move through the Galaxy at any astronomica significant spped, it orbits the centre of the galaxy at 230km per second but then the entire galaxy is rotating with it DUH!. so yes everything appears static although over decades slight movements can be detected.
Things far away appear to be motionless but the fact is they are moving at incredible speeds, it's another failing of flat Earthers (Flerfs) to underestimate the size of our Solar system let alone the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond, just a tiny snippet to give some kind of persepctive...
If you jumped on your bike and rode to Jupiter non stop at 60mph, how long would it take you to get there, no break/stop/sleeping?
700 years is the answer and our system isn't even a spec of dust compared to the Galaxy we're in, if our Sun was the size of a ping pong ball the next nearest star to it (Proxima Centuri) would be 680 miles away

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5 hours ago, zzzak said:

There's this as well, if the Sun is 93 million miles away how come the rays spread out like this ?

You know, it looks like Bucky could be right.






Fuck me, how dumb can people be?
This in fact proves that either the Sun is tiny and close to us or massive and a long way away, if the Sun is massive and close to us the Sun rays would be closer to being parallel, if it was smaller and close to use the rays would fan out (but then you'd struggle to feel any warmth from a small Sun and it would not illuminate virtually 50% of the Earth at any one point in time), so that leaves huge and far from us give a similar appearance of size but much more powerful, illuminating nearly half the planet and having rays that spread out due to the angle of penetration of the rays of light

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10 hours ago, zzzak said:

There's this as well, if the Sun is 93 million miles away how come the rays spread out like this ?

You know, it looks like Bucky could be right.






Diffraction and diffusion. 

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7 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Fuck me, how dumb can people be?
This in fact proves that either the Sun is tiny and close to us or massive and a long way away, if the Sun is massive and close to us the Sun rays would be closer to being parallel, if it was smaller and close to use the rays would fan out (but then you'd struggle to feel any warmth from a small Sun and it would not illuminate virtually 50% of the Earth at any one point in time), so that leaves huge and far from us give a similar appearance of size but much more powerful, illuminating nearly half the planet and having rays that spread out due to the angle of penetration of the rays of light

like this ?


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3 hours ago, Tango said:

Diffraction and diffusion. 

Thank you for a sensible answer to the questions that I posed, as I said I was merely wondering and seeking further information.

As to the rest of the posts at no stage have I ever said that the Earth was flat, in fact I don't think that it is but was merely curious about the two things that I posted, the only person here who has mentioned a flat Earth has been Bucky so keep that in mind before you lose your rag in future.

One last question, Pete, where the fuck did you get this lot from, off a short bus from a special school or something ?



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8 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Fucking idiot, Polaris isn't fixed, even polar scopes of fairly recent manufacture have to be taken with a pinch of salt when using the built in marks for where to place Polaris to gain accurate polar alignment with the Earth's axis of rotation
Here's an example of  Losmandy brand polarscope reticule, you can see the markings (near where it say's UMi (Polaris), that is where Polaris has to be placed and it changes, it is now out of the markins so alignment can be too far off for accurate tracking of more than 30 sec with a 1000mm telescope, it why we use plate solving to give absolute accuracy for better tracking (plate solving is uploading and image to servers that identify precisely where your telescope is pointed by analysing the stars in the image) it takes two separate images to be plate solved  by rotating the mount on it's RA (right ascension) axis the program then gives a visual as to which way to move the elevation and azimuth controls to get it spot on, taking more images each time and plate solving after each move.
These fuckwits really ought to do their homework properly as the people who listen to them should.


So you call me an idiot for asking a question and then answer the question, that says a lot about you.

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But Zacc you thought that the moon landing was a hoax and one of your principal arguments was that the shadows weren't parallel. It seems to be one of the main  arguments the moon hoax lot put forward. It took 20 seconds, two match sticks and a torch to show you that argument was bollox. Tell me again who's on the short bus? 

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45 minutes ago, zzzak said:

One last question, Pete, where the fuck did you get this lot from, off a short bus from a special school or something ?

That's a very interesting question coming from you 



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48 minutes ago, zzzak said:

One last question, Pete, where the fuck did you get this lot from, off a short bus from a special school or something ?

I've always scoured the absolute depths of the Internet for members zzzak!  

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1 hour ago, Nute said:

But Zacc you thought that the moon landing was a hoax and one of your principal arguments was that the shadows weren't parallel. It seems to be one of the main  arguments the moon hoax lot put forward. It took 20 seconds, two match sticks and a torch to show you that argument was bollox. Tell me again who's on the short bus? 

OK, get your torch out and get shadows at 90 degrees to each other, by the way the shadows are not the main arguments as there are so many other things that don't add up, such as where's the dust on the landers pads, surely a rocket engine would have blown a bit of moondust around.


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1 hour ago, zzzak said:

So you call me an idiot for asking a question and then answer the question, that says a lot about you.

Yes and I bet you've also asked why the cows in the field are so small

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47 minutes ago, XTreme said:

I've always scoured the absolute depths of the Internet for members zzzak!  

You might have been to successful in your search.

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1 minute ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Yes and I bet you've also asked why the cows in the field are so small

Is that the best that you can come up with ?

As you seem to think that you're an intellectual can you tell me what's wrong with this photo ?


melted wheels.jpg

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