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Had my first attempt at cleaning the CBF600, still plenty to do but it is looking passable from a few feet.    Just going for tidy as it has done 30k so has a few battle scars and I am not concerned with that but there is some dirty shit that has to go.    EG the glue from old wheel balancing weights and such.  I spent yesterday cleaning up the panniers and getting the old stickers off.   

Of course there is no show without punch as Shadow wanted her bike in the photos so she can show her mates what she is supposedly getting.    Notice the red hair to match, not obsessed much   🤣   Anyway she’s wasn’t on receive when I told her about tests and such.    Be some time yet. 



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After my night shift Kip I set about playing bikes for the afternoon.  Nothing fancy really just put in some LED headlights and fitted my Quadlock along with some obsessive cleaning especially under the front fairings.   I need to get some LED bulbs for the marker lights but all in good time.   
I am really enjoying getting this bike back to presentable, I don’t think it has been thoroughly cleaned in years just serviced and ridden.   But there is something about polishing a turd and bringing it back that is quite fulfilling.   
It rode without fault for my work commutes over the weekend.   Even used the heated grips this morning coming home.   Just gotta do something about those ditch finder tyres.   


This side on shot shows there is still plenty to do to tidy up.   This thread would have been perfect for Pete what with Hondas and obsessive cleaning 😉


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Typical Honda fork lowers. 

What you could do with those is rub them down with fine wet & dry paper , spray silver and then lacquer .

The alternative method is to ship them off to SIX30 wheel painting services Ltd  , although I wouldn't guarantee the work    :classic_unsure:

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16 minutes ago, boboneleg said:

Typical Honda fork lowers. 

What you could do with those is rub them down with fine wet & dry paper , spray silver and then lacquer .

The alternative methos is to ship them off to SIX30 wheel painting services Ltd  , although I wouldn't guarantee the work    :classic_unsure:

It's already on the to do list, along with taking the rear swing arm out and repainting that 😉.  

I had a nice surprise when I took the front side fairings off as I had a clear shot at the fork tubes that I thought were rusty and pitted, turns out that it was mummified flies.  Some WD and a cloth and off they came. The tubes look pretty bloody good.  Obviously been regularly sprayed with something to prevent pitting.  

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4 minutes ago, Saul said:

It's already on the to do list, along with taking the rear swing arm out and repainting that 😉.  

Is this cosmetic damage from winter use or just being kept outside Saul  ?

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6 minutes ago, Marcel le Moose Fondler said:

Is this cosmetic damage from winter use or just being kept outside Saul  ?

I am guessing all year use.  I think there was plenty of preventive maintenance over time as its not at all bad underneath the grime.  I am only playing really, it's a £1100 winter hack I just like making it a bit nicer.

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Haven’t got any heated gear, I have been using thermal underwear up to now but that may be problematic for work.    Most hospitals are like the fucking tropics in the winter.   

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5 hours ago, Saul said:

Haven’t got any heated gear, I have been using thermal underwear up to now but that may be problematic for work.    Most hospitals are like the fucking tropics in the winter.   

Yep, sweating on top of rubber sheets.

Some MP’s would pay good money for that sort of treatment 😬

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3 hours ago, Sir Fallsalot said:

I know I just planted the seed for you 😂

Thanks, I’m already skint. 🤣

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Some goodies turned up yesterday so had a play this morning.   I had the tank bag already but had to get a second ring so that I can use it on this bike.  
Also getting a lot of buffeting and turbulent air off the standard screen so got a taller one to see how that goes.   



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45 minutes ago, Saul said:

Also getting a lot of buffeting and turbulent air off the standard screen so got a taller one to see how that goes.   

If your still getting  buffeting and turbulent air try blocking the space between the forks and fuel tank my Africa Twin would have the peak on my helmet vibrating like hell and found it to be air coming up through there although your tank bag looks like it may stop that
I made this to stop it on my bike, they are available to buy now for the Africa twin


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I will get back to you to see how I get on with and without the tank bag and the new screen.   Sure I could make something similar if need be.  I remember my old BMW R100RS had bellows type gaiters between the fairing and fork tubes and I always thought that was just about water but looking back it obviously blocked air as well.  That RS fairing was bloody good, very quiet and dry place to be even in the pissing rain as long as you were moving.   

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Blood transfusion day.   I was checking back through the CBF’s service history and its last oil change was at 28k and it’s now cracked 32k.   Shouldn’t be a problem as the service intervals are 8k I thought until I checked and the last service in the book was done in 2019.   
Anyway I dropped into Dameralls today so picked up a filter,  oil and crush washer.   It was £69 fucking quid.    Every fibre in my being wanted to say stick it up your pipe but I think more in shock than anything I just paid up and left.   Won’t be buying it there again.   
Anyway did the deed tonight when the sun went in.     Why are the sump plug and filter always done up with fucking gorilla strength FFS.   It’s lucky I have the proper Honda filter tool as I genuinely don’t think I could have gotten the old filter off without it.   


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1 hour ago, Saul said:

Blood transfusion day.   I was checking back through the CBF’s service history and its last oil change was at 28k and it’s now cracked 32k.   Shouldn’t be a problem as the service intervals are 8k I thought until I checked and the last service in the book was done in 2019.   
Anyway I dropped into Dameralls today so picked up a filter,  oil and crush washer.   It was £69 fucking quid.    Every fibre in my being wanted to say stick it up your pipe but I think more in shock than anything I just paid up and left.   Won’t be buying it there again.   
Anyway did the deed tonight when the sun went in.     Why are the sump plug and filter always done up with fucking gorilla strength FFS.   It’s lucky I have the proper Honda filter tool as I genuinely don’t think I could have gotten the old filter off without it.   


I had one filter so tight i snapped the nut off the Honda filter tool, i had to fully weld it back on instead of the spot welding they come with to get it to undo the filter

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1 hour ago, Saul said:

Blood transfusion day.   I was checking back through the CBF’s service history and its last oil change was at 28k and it’s now cracked 32k.   Shouldn’t be a problem as the service intervals are 8k I thought until I checked and the last service in the book was done in 2019.   
Anyway I dropped into Dameralls today so picked up a filter,  oil and crush washer.   It was £69 fucking quid.    Every fibre in my being wanted to say stick it up your pipe but I think more in shock than anything I just paid up and left.   Won’t be buying it there again.   
Anyway did the deed tonight when the sun went in.     Why are the sump plug and filter always done up with fucking gorilla strength FFS.   It’s lucky I have the proper Honda filter tool as I genuinely don’t think I could have gotten the old filter off without it.   


I find the oil is at a fair price ...compared to what I'm paying for the indian...the kit comes with 5 L. But you actually need almost 6 to bring it to the full mark...



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2 minutes ago, Marcel le Moose Fondler said:

I find the oil is at a fair price ...compared to what I'm paying for the indian...the kit comes with 5 L. But you actually need almost 6 to bring it to the full mark...



That converts to about £87 here but our tractor oil is a lot cheaper

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well cracked my first 1000 miles on the CBF today.   Been pretty Honda really just been on the button when ever I have needed it.   
Have put a set of tyres on it and changed the oil but apart from farkles and fuel  haven’t needed to spend anything.    I really like it happy to bimble around but is plenty quick enough when the revs are up.  Mind you got completely spanked by a fire blade on Liskeard by pass today.  No surprise there and backed off before it got silly. 

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