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Two wheel dickheads I mean.    I popped out with Shadow on the Hornet as we had to go up to Damerells to book her CBT.  Anyway on the way  up to Bodmin to join the A30 to Indian Queens some twin headlight Sport bike, Aprilia maybe, was up our chuff most of the way , couple of times we passed cars, tractors he was right there up our chuff again.  I rode normally, not playing silly buggers especially with Shadow on the back but he never passed, starting to get on my tits a bit anyway  we came up to Lanhydrock roundabout and had to anchor up last minute for  a Tesla who indicated one way then went the other.  Sporty boy wasn't watching shot past me right out into the path of the Tesla, somehow the Tesla just about stopped in time and didn't broadside him.   Dunno if they have some sort of collision avoidance or something because I though matey was toast.  We rode on past the drama and as we went past Chloe called him a silly twat, gonna have to speak to her about her gob.   😎

On the way home from Damerells  again going down the St Austell distributor road which is a fast sweeper between 3 roundabouts.    Come up behind some maybe 600 jap sport bike, twas green so probably a Kawasaki T plate with a loud fart can on it.   Matey see us drops two gears and is off like a stabbed rat , overtaking on double whites and weaving all over the shop.     Each roundabout brought us roughly back together than he is off again each time.  I never got involved at all just riding normally.  When we got to the traffic lights at the bottom his is there revving the tits off his bike and, making a hell of a row looking over his shoulder at me.  I just smiled at him.  Anyway when the lights change he throws it left on full throttle nearly losing the bike on a manhole. Then proceeds to piss pass 4 cars in a 30 zone  barely holding the thing.    Why the fuck do they behave like that I don't know, especially on wet roads.   I must say that witnessing such stupidness is teaching Shadow a few valuable lessons much more than listening to me drone on.  She is not slow to judge and was not impressed with what she saw.  😉

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