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an old favorite


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one of my fvorite loops south, truncated becuase I didn't leave home till gone 3 for verious reasons and wanted to be back in taime to accompany Mrs and the girls to the village 14th July party.


260 ish km took the back roads to Planchez, then did the sempiternel "planchez - Chateau Chinon"  which I prefer in the other direction but still a cracking road. Fuelled at Chateau Chinon and had to spend 5 minutes cleaning spilt deisel of my boots, the forcourt of the filling station was fucking swimming in it! 🤬 shan't be going there again.

My original plan had been to cut across country from there to Glux en Glenne before turning north to Moulins Engilbert but given the time and the fact that i fancied some faster curves rather than the tight twisties I'd had up to then, I elected to take the more majour road westwards to Chatillon en Bazois  and turn north from there back via corbigny, Bazoches, Vezelay and chatel Censoir.


took a couple of pics on the way

somewhere between Auxerre and planchez in the Morvan, a rare straight line through the woodsDSC06907.thumb.JPG.5d54e478472ee8288109200070162df4.JPG


Chastellux sur Cure




middle of nowhere on an unamed road in the morvan forest , a memorial to 15 allied airmen who died in a mid air colision whilst parachuting arms to the local resistance cell (camille) the 18th july '44. aparrently they managed to parachute in  numerous arms between July and september 44 including a jeep and two British 57mm field guns! 



Chauteau d'Aunay,  nothe the two artillery pieces... I wonder if they're the same two 52mm field guns?  


got home in time to shower before trotting down to the square and pretend to be an actual human being for a couple of hours...




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