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Utah and mt conversion to Mormonism


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Up and out at 0500 yesterday, headed to Utah. 38F / 3.5C as I headed out. Made to Berthoud Pass (next hill over from my house) at sunrise ....




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Five hours and 350 miles later and I'm outta the hills and into the flats of western Colorado / Eastern Utah. Whole lot of nuthin' out here and the temps are now around 93F / 34C. Elevation is only about 5,000' feet above sea level so that makes a huge difference in temps.




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But it got better. I turned off of the highway and down a dirt road towards my destination. Rode about 45 miles of this to get to the canyon I wanted to ride.....





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It started to rain a bit and the road was super slick making corners a joy. But I was getting close to the canyon .....




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And finally into the canyon. And get this; it's paved! None of the roads for 40 miles around it are, but it's very nice tarmac. Weird.





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As you'd guess due to it's remoteness, there are no other people in the canyon at all. Road is racetrack smooth.  But they have these weird drainage swales every mile or so. Huge dips in the road that would fuck you up at speed. But they are well marked...





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Finally made it to the reason I came here in the first place. Some high quality glyphs not too far off of the road ...







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Dating of these things are all over thew place - supposedly between  950-1100 AD. Still, fairly old and cool to look at. Although some are more impressive than others in the area .... 




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This is a really weird canyon. The paved section is about 80 miles long and it just ends into the dirt. There are several trails leading out but all are unmarked and don't show up on my GPS ....




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So naturally, I got lost as fuck and spent 3 hours trying to find my way out. I kept making 20 mile long circles that led me back to where I started. It was now about 100F and I'm sweating like a pig and wishing I was drinking a cold beer someplace. I came upon my track in (the only tracks on the road due to the rain) and followed it back out. And to add to the fun, I'm almost outta fuel ...






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Passed an old homestead out in the middle of nowhere just outside of the canyon. Tough living out here back in the day. But it's a stone house (Pete would have loved it) as there are no trees to get wood from . Truck looks to be from the 1940's era ...






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Made it to my hotel in downtown Ogden at 7:30 PM after 750 miles on the day. Greeted with rock star parking...



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Made it up to my room and have a view of the Mormon church in town. Maybe they're telling me soemthing...



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I was gonna ride today - but it's already 85F / 30C at 7:45 AM  so I might just bag it and go get some beers someplace in town. We'll find out, I guess.

More later.......

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23 minutes ago, Catteeclan said:

The drawings have lasted well being out in the open.


Yes they have. I like how the guy who drew this drew himself (on the right side) with a big cock and drew his hunting buddy's with no cock at all. Good sense of humor!

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Just looked at my previously clean and black boots - covered in this weird,. white clay material. Too dark last night to look at the bike, but it's gotta be covered in this crap.

Pete would just die.....


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Similar ditches as you find in Morocco. I suppose that canyon has flash floods that just drag rocks that destroy small bridges, easier to have the water and debris pass over concrete and just clean it after. Same reason why in the flood areas you might have tarmac instead of a dirt road that washes out easier?

That 45 mile long dirt road, that is the thing. That's just bliss!

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3 hours ago, Earache said:

Yes they have. I like how the guy who drew this drew himself (on the right side) with a big cock and drew his hunting buddy's with no cock at all. Good sense of humor!

They look like @Six30's handiwork probably one of his ancestors :classic_laugh:

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