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It's the weekend again


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I'm guessing as there's nothing to read this morn everyone was on the beer last night.:classic_laugh:

Shopping, she getting her nails done later so I might see if the Matchless is available to remove the front forks.

I had a piece of threaded bar made to screw into the top of the fork leg to tap them out and with the nut to fit pull them back in again.
15/16 BSF


And it's raining again.

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Beer!..beer!...my Christmas booze is still in the fridge untouched. 😂 

I will start the scoot, it needs a run really, then I will clear up the fallen branches from the garden, they are from next doors (dead) tree, but always end up on my garden.

Apart from that, a usual day here. 

Sad I Miss You GIF by Disney


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29 minutes ago, boboneleg said:

I just had Jehovahs Witness knock on the door, I enjoyed our discussion, it only took me two minutes to see them off

I’m blacklisted.

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Glorious day here, peferct for riding but i'm committed to doggie walking today .  Never mind , there's rugby and beer later and probably a kebab :classic_laugh:

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Matchless wasn't available so that's off for later.

Bunny poop hoovering in a bit. The sun's out today till that weather front moves over later so we'll see if we can get out for a walk with the grand daughters or just a stroll by ourselves.

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Struggling with a bug I’ve picked up from the UK visit but out on the Yamaha to blast the germs away. Coffee in the sun always makes you feel better……..a beer will be had once I get home 😜🍺🍺☀️☀️


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Loads of liquid sunshine last night & more for today.....hopefully will finally wash the rest of the snow off the driveway, so we can start driving the car again. Then I can replace the headlights on the truck w/ a new set I just bought...as they've seen better days since the deer I hit a coupla years ago. Also will be into finishing "thorn-proofing" the tires on my better half's Etrike. There's no company that makes thorn-proof inner tubes for 20"x 3" fat tires...but I did buy some thorn-proof strips to be applied between the tubes & the inside of the tires....so we'll see how that pans out...

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Just got back to the UK, we drove 1000km across France, a bit of Germany and then Switzerland and back again, lovely smooth roads with no pot holes and people who understand the concept of lane discipline, only two tiny areas on roadworks. Back out of the tunnel at Folkestone, bumpy crappy potholed roads, utter inability of drivers to keep left unless overtaking, we got a total of 1 mile before the first cones started. 

Why people risk their lives to get here from Europe is beyond me. I’m going to check online to see if I can claim political asylum somewhere in Europe. 

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