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Beta bum boy plays with himself in the woods.

Sir Fallsalot

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Took the Beta out this afternoon no problem with the battery after being stood since February so not sure why it was going into safe mode. Anyhow bike ran flawlessly and had a good billy no mates ride.
Just a few photos of the day



got to use the silky again


Tried to ride the ridge between ruts but failed not too much effort to get it out though


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9 hours ago, Catteeclan said:

By eck, theme some ruts. Did you have to kneel on the seat:classic_laugh:

I managed to ride between them lost my balance and dropped in where the bike is. I don't know what bikes made the ruts because the swing arm got stuck in the gap before the rear tyre could touch the floor, just had to straddle the bike to lift the rear and push it forward a foot and then rode it out, would have been a lot more difficult on the XR

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